From Indianapolis.
Less is more.
Clarity is kindness.
T H E P r a c t I c e
I think design in today's world is just a methodology for making peoples' lives better. Good design should be available to everyone. Should designers have a style or should they be totally objective? What does "good" mean? The Design of Everyday Things by Don Norman opened my mind. I think the Vignelli's were on to something, philosophically.
T H E P e r s on
Big old man vibes. Music: literally anything and everything, my likes span all genres. Drink: Sidecar. I wanna learn to play the piano. I also wanna crew on a sailboat someday, travel all over. My plan is to see everything there is to see before I pass on. I used to kick-box and throw hands for my workout. Was an amateur musician and recording engineer for a few years. Used to bartend. If I need to think, I take a walk. I can come off shy or distant, but I have a lot to say. I'm a great listener. I'm good at asking questions.
D R E A M p r o j e c t s
Furniture Design. Fashion Design. Product Design. Process Design. Service Design. Destination Design.